Tiktok gifts spawn mobs in Minecraft

Tiktok gifts spawn mobs in Minecraft

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Here is the Minecraft plugin that lets your viewers spawn mobs in your game.

You have to buy a premium access to use this widget.

Here is the Minecraft plugin that lets your viewers spawn mobs in your game.

You have to buy a premium access to use this widget.

The system is very simple: you run an MC server with our plugin on your computer. It connects to your Tiktok Stream. There is a config file to setup gift ID`s and commands. You can use any number of gifts assigned to Minecraft actions.

Step-by-step installation process:

  1. Update your java. Download this package and install it: https://corretto.aws/downloads/latest/amazon-corretto-17-x64-windows-jdk.msi
  2. And this: https://www.java.com/download/ie_manual.jsp
  3. Also install Java SDK:
  4. Create a folder "Minecraft" in your disk C or D.
  5. Download and unpack it to your Minecraft folder this archive
  6. Now there is a tt3 folder in your Minecraft directory:
  7. Open tt3 directory. Run the file start. If the Java version is okay, the server will start without errors but will stop at the EULA agreement step. Close the console, find the eula.txt file in the server folder. Open it and find the line eula=false. Rename it to eula=true and save the file.
  8. Open the config file in the /plugins/TTintegration/ folder. You will see these parameters:
  9. Go to that page https://streamdps.com/panel/games/ and copy your hash line. Paste it in the config file like this:
  10. hash: "as343434fasdf34f34f"
  11. Unique-id is your Tiktok username. Write it like this:
  12. unique-id:"streamdps"
  13. in the same file, you can see gift IDs and command to run in Minecraft:
  14. Here, we see that the Rose will spawn a bee. And Tiktok will spawn a sheep. And so on. We have a page with all gifts listed: https://streamdps.com/tiktok-widgets/gifts/ Add as many items as you want, just consider the syntax. Be creative and add different mobs. Use a spawn command generator like this: https://www.digminecraft.com/generators/summon_mob.php
  15. Save and close the file. Close the server console.
  16. Start the stream
  17. Run the server with start file.
  18. Run your Minecraft client with 1.19.2 version. Go to multiplayer - add server. Write the address "localhost":
  19. Join the server. Make yourself an admin. Just type the op YOURNICK command right in the server console. This will allow you to execute commands on the server.
  20. If you are using a pirated game, you have to switch it to offline mode. Go to server folder, find a file "server. properties." change the line online-mode=true to online-mode=false. Save and restart the server.
  21. For any questions, please DM on Discord Streamdps#8983 or email to info@streamdps.com.

In the new version, there is a like event that can spawn command for a certain number of likes. Activate it by changing this line likes-module enabled: false to enabled: true. Same for a chat module.

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